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The Art and Science of External Painting: A Guide by Brisbane Professional Painters

Exterior paint is the first line of defense for your home against the elements, shielding it from the blistering sun, relentless rain, and unpredictable temperature shifts. Modern paint chemistry has revolutionized the durability of exterior paints, allowing surfaces that once required repainting every two or three years to now withstand a decade or more. However, even with advanced paint formulations, there are common challenges that can arise, especially when conditions are less than ideal or when preparation and application fall short.

Peeling Paint:
A common issue, peeling paint exposes the bare timber or masonry beneath. Moisture trapped inside the wall is often the culprit, leading to ventilation or dampness issues. Unsealed joints, worn sealant, or leaks may contribute, necessitating repairs before repainting. Premature bubbling, blistering, and peeling can also signal painting on damp surfaces or inadequate preparation.

Applying the topcoat before the undercoat is dry or using incompatible coatings, such as acrylic over oil-based paint, can lead to paint blistering. To prevent this major exterior paint problem, a special primer must be applied before the topcoat.

Exterior paint can fade over time, especially with exposure to the hot afternoon sun. The use of low-quality or interior paints exacerbates this issue. High-quality exterior paints resistant to UV radiation, like Dulux Weathershield and Taubmans AllWeather, can help maintain color and gloss. Regularly washing the house every 18 months also prevents dirt buildup, a major contributor to paint deterioration.

Mould Growth:
Mould, a fungus thriving in damp, shaded areas, can quickly appear on new paint if low-quality paint is used or if bare wood is not primed before painting. Professional painters not only prepare surfaces correctly but also use products with mould retardants, ensuring walls stay mould-free.

Cracked paint areas may result from applying the second coat before the first is dry or using an extremely hard coating over a more flexible one. In aged oil-based paint, cracking is a normal consequence of aging.

Rust Stains:
Non-galvanized iron nails or rusting galvanized nail heads can lead to rust bleeding through to the top coat. Professional painters can minimize this by proper preparation, including countersinking nail heads, filling over them, and priming. Visible stains may indicate a lack of primer application, insufficient primer, or the wrong type. Primer corrects minor surface flaws, ensuring smooth paint application, covering stains, and extending the paint’s longevity.

As Brisbane Professional Painters, our commitment goes beyond applying paint; it’s about safeguarding your home against the elements. With our expertise, we address these common external painting challenges, ensuring a lasting and visually appealing finish. Ready to protect and enhance your home? Contact us for a consultation, and let’s transform your exterior into a masterpiece.

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